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How to Disable 2FA


 You can request to Mercatox for disabling 2FA on your account if your phone or 2FA Google Authenticator app is lost or for any other reasons.

You need to send Mercatox a ticket ( and please provide these requirements :

1. The selfie photo of you holding your ID Card (Driver's License or Passport) and white paper written today's date in your hands. The ID card must be readable in English, and your face must be clearly visible (as it is shown on the picture): 

2. The photo of your ID card (Driver's License or Passport) that you held. So we can check the personal details on it.

3. You need to mention to us on your ticket some details of transactions on your account such as the last deposit or last withdrawal.

4. Name (describe) several of your trading operations at our exchange.

5. Provide the date of registration and registration ID, as well as login IDs.

6.  Tell us roughly what coins you have in your account and what the approximate amounts are there.

If you meet up with this requirement we will change 2FA option to the secure mail option and you will be able to login into your Mercatox account.

Verification_Selfie.jpg Verification_Selfie.jpg

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Category: Security
Views: 23880
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