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How To Verify Your Account


As the principle of AML (Anti-Money Laundering) Policy and KYC (Know your Customer), we suggest the Mercatox users verify their account. Being verification is optional but it will give some special services from Mercatox to verified user such as: 5 BTC daily and 50 BTC monthly withdrawal limit, Participating on Loyalty Program, Being Eligible Monthly Free Votes, and etc.

 The procedures of verification are : 

  1. You need to fill all the required blank field on the profile page: through the account by the personal details of the user.


  1. You need to upload the photo/scan of Identity Card (Driver License or Passport) as the Personal Identification card on the field such as below :

  2. You need to upload the photo/scan of Utility Bill or Bank statement in English (no older than 3 month) as the Personal Check With Address on the field such as below :


  1. You need to upload the photo of yourself while holding Identity Card and White Paper written current date as the Additional Photo for verification on the field such as below :

The example of the photo of yourself while holding Identity card and White Paper written current date :


Note :

 -   The file format must be JPEG, JPG or PNG.

-     The file size must not be more than 2 MB.

After you follow the procedures above for verification submission, your profile page will have a notification about Waiting for the Response Administrator which means that your verification request has been on queue list and you have to wait for checking by proper department.

After the proper department process your request, we will notify you the result through your registered e-mail. 

  1. If your verification submission has been denied, your profile page will be such as here and please kindly check the inbox of your registered e-mail.

You will also get the notification through your registered e-mail :



  1. If your verification submission has been approved, your profile page will be such as here and please kindly check the inbox of your registered e-mail.

             You will also get the notification through your registered e-mail :

Happy trading!

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Article details
Article ID: 14
Category: Security
Views: 8696
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (29)

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